Sunday, January 27, 2008

Back to the future

We are back. We'll we've been back since Wednesday. It's now Sunday. I don't know if it's Jet lag or laziness or just the strangeness of being home but I feel a bit odd. Tired and a bit directionless. Well we've decided to work the coffee caravan for all it's worth and earn some income. So far we have had a funny time of it. Because we knew we were going away and we were finding our feet we didn't push it too hard. But now it's our source of food, clothing etc.

I've been a bit slack coming back, have let myself go to bed late and get up late which doesn't help with the Jet lag. The trick is to be really tired and go about the normal day and just force yourself to be in the new time. But it has been nice taking it easy for a few days anyway. We've caught up with a few friends and have been to the beach. I just did a search for Jetlag pictures on Google, the below picture was one of the top ones! Maybe I had Jetlag before we left?

Days are strange, we got used to it being dark before 5pm but now it gets dark at 9pm. I guess we just have to give ourselves a break and take time to be back and resettle.

We just moved back in today after a couple of days at W's brother's house. It was a nice interlude although their cat has fleas, so now my legs have bites. Bugs like my flesh but don't touch W! Sometimes I wish I had hard crusty scaly skin that they can't get though too...Kidding, jokes just jokes.


Mike Riversdale said...

Welcome home!

Looking forward to hearing all the stories, seeing the photo's and looking at the crusty legs

Anonymous said...

hello-I don´t know if you remember me or us-we were sitting nearby in the flight from Montpellier/ France to Frankfurt/ Germany! I with my three little kids!
In Frankfurt we were staying still a time together outsight waiting for our shuttlebus and you have been looking for a rental car!?
It was a pity-i couldn´t refind your blogadresse till now and you are already at home now!?
I can imagine that you have some problems " coming home"-I felt similar when I was coming back after my worldtrip-it´s like being in dream!
It would be great hearing sth. from you-my e-mail adresse is !
I´m not sure if you will receive this letter-it´s the first time I am looking in a blog and I try to answer?!
So if it works and I will get an answer from your part I will write more!
Have a great day and also greetings from my kids-they have been well playing together and running around outside at the airport!
Good luck for the futur
till soon-would be great